Conservation Genetics on the Front Line
My journey into science journalism first started on a dock on Flathead Lake, where I spent many summers looking out at the immense lake, one of the largest in the West.
My journey into science journalism first started on a dock on Flathead Lake, where I spent many summers looking out at the immense lake, one of the largest in the West.
DNA reveals surprising insight into the birthplace of America’s most consumed fish The silver skin and pink flesh of a salmon may be labeled “Alaskan Wild” but researchers have found
Tracking invasive species movements with environmental DNA How did invasive species spread in the U.S.? DNA can be used to track the wide variety of aquatic invaders including plants, fish,
A new hope for westslope cutthroat in Montana In the Mission Mountain Range of Western Montana, Herrick Run flows in the shadow of Lindy Peak. The small, snow-bound stream tumbles
Amid the growing national threat of public land transfers, hunters in central Montana have scored a conditional victory. A land swap to consolidate the landholdings of oil billionaires Dan and